Sunday, September 18, 2016

Goal Setting!

Great news everyone I'm back for another blog post.

Todays lesson is on goal setting!

Goal setting sounds easy enough, but most of us never actually take the time to think about our goals. It is easy to say, 'I want to be rich,' or, 'I want a nice car,' but if all we ever do is think about it without taking action we will never achieve our dreams. The first and most important step is writing them down. Take a few moments for this exercise. Olympians do this, you should too.

Grab some note cards and a pen. I want you to spend at least 10 minutes thinking about what you really want in life. Dream big, there are no limits here. Formulate in your mind specific and measurable goals. Don't say things like, 'I want a nice car,' tell the universe specifically what car you want. Go into detail; color, interior, features. Write down five to ten goals and give yourself a deadline for each one. You will want to have goals of differing sizes with different deadlines. This will help you stay on track along the way. If your goals are all about making $10 million they will take years and years and this is great! But you will want to know you're making the right choices along the way. Remember that success is success and you will succeed more often when you start knocking goals off your list. You will literally learn how to succeed through repetition. Start with easy goals to accomplish like taking a fiver supplement or vitamin C every day for a month. Force yourself to succeed again and again and it will become a habit. You. Can. Do it.

Write your goals in the comment section to help keep you on track!

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